It’s easy to feel a little out of your depth when looking for a debt collection agency with the number of options out there. This is why it’s important to learn how to identify and choose the best one for you.

First and foremost, the debt collection agencies worth your time have a good reputation and are trustworthy. You will also want to feel secure in their experience - so make sure they have been in business for a few years. Most reputable agencies are members of the Credit Services Association, the main professional body for debt collection agencies.  A list of members can be found at

Finding an agency with a good reputation may take some research, so look into each debt collection agency's testimonials. You may be able to find this on their website, or through their Google Reviews. Other places to find out people’s experiences are through LinkedIn, or sites such as Trustpilot or Yell.

A good debt collection agency will also want and be able to protect your reputation, provide an excellent service and maintain valuable relationships while handling your debts.

Once you have a list of options, you can contact the agency and ask them about their procedures and success rates. This is also your opportunity to raise any specific concerns or requirements you may have.

Another factor to consider are the fees. While it may be important for collection agencies to have reasonable sounding fees, a low commission rate does not always mean quality and good results. You often get what you pay for, so it can be advisable to not choose the cheapest option. Most agencies operate on a no collection-no fee basis so you should not have to pay anything up-front, or at all, if they fail to collect your debt.

By keeping these recommendations in mind, you’ll find the right debt collection agency for you in no time.

K2 Collections are here to help you with your debt collection and debtor tracing. Contact us and find out more about how we can assist you.

You can call our London Debt Collection Office on: 0333 772 0278

or Alternatively our Birmingham Office on: 0121 259 0577